

  1. 谷口忠大, 応用哲学 (3STEPシリーズ 6), 昭和堂, 2023 10, 第10章「人工知能――ロボットは他者になれるか」pp. 147-160 を分担執筆 BibTeX
  2. 谷口忠大・河島茂生・井上明人, 未来社会と「意味」の境界, 勁草書房, 2023 8, 全176頁 BibTeX
  3. Taniguchi, T. , Aramaki, M., Hirata, K., Kitahara, T., Kronland-Martinet, R., Ystad, S. (eds) Music in the AI Era. CMMR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13770 . , Springer, Cham. , 2023 , On Parallelism in Music and Language: A Perspective from Symbol Emergence Systems Based on Probabilistic Generative Models” BibTeX [LINK1]
  4. Taniguchi, T., T. Kato, T. Mukumoto & H. Yoshida, Open Semiotics. Volume 4: Life and its Extensions, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Semiotics for the Creation of Embodied Artificial Cognitive Systems, 559-571, LʼHarmattan BibTeX
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