Co-hosting event: The 3rd Reading Group on Manufacturing and Qualitative Research

 Prof. Taniguchi’s R-GIRO “Artificial Intelligence and Semiotics” will co-host 

We participate in WRS2020

 We will participate in the World Robot Summit 2020 (WRS2020) in Aichi, Japan (Thursday, September 9

A column by Prof. Taniguchi was published in the "Modern Language" of the Kyoto Shimbun

  A column by Prof. Taniguchi was published in the “Modern Language” of the Kyoto Shimbun. This issu

Professor Taniguchi's efforts were introduced on Impress Watch

Professor Taniguchi’s efforts with Panasonic under his cross-appointment system were introduce

Call for Researchers for "Integrative AI for Autonomous Robots Finding Latent Structure" as a part of the Moon project (Target 3)

Emergent systems laboratory is looking for a researcher who can join us to contribute a new project,