International Conference
- Tadahiro Taniguchi, Kenji Ogawa, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Implicit estimation of other’s intention without direct observation of actions in a collaborative task: Situation-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning, SICE Annual Conference 2007, 2007, Takamatsu, Kagawa, SICE Annual Conference 2007 International Award Finalist ノミネート BibTeX
- Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Dynamic Process of a User’s Development of Multiple Internal Models of Automation Behavior Including Mode Transitions, 2nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji, 2007, Awaji, poster session BibTeX
- Tadahiro Taniguchi, Naoto Iwahashi, Computational model of role reversal imitation through continuous human-robot interaction, Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction, 2007, Nagoya BibTeX